Are you looking for a horse racing system that you can put into action right now, to generate £100+ per week?
Good! You have come to the right place as today you will learn a horse racing system that only takes 10 minutes a day to find and place your bets using Betfair!
This horse racing system was posted in our informracing review and you may have missed it. Here is the full system, with three live examples of how it works in a simple step by step manner and with lots of screen prints.
This is one of the best horse racing systems that you will find, that utilises Betfair’s ability to back a horse and then lay it off later, to lock in a guaranteed profit.
You can start off with a tiny bankroll (as little as £20) and build this up over time to start locking in a profit of £100+ per week! It only takes 5 minutes a day to find the selections and a further 5 minutes a day to place your bets.
What you will learn today
This post comprises the following:
- Free horse racing system using betfair and inform racing racecards
- 3 live examples taken from racing at Carlisle
- Video explaining the system for those that need further clarification
- Spreadsheet we use to determine the bet size you make and the profit you can guarantee
Free Back to Lay Method Betfair Horse Racing System
Here are the rules and the logic behind one of the best Betfair horse racing systems.
Aim of the Back To Lay method
- Back horses the evening before racing, or early in the morning
- Lay off the bet at a shorter price just before the off, or during the race (in-play)
- Lock in 5%+ profit
What Races To Concentrate On
- Flat Races that are at least one mile in distance
- Races where all runners have ran at least 3 times on the inform racing race card
What to look for…
- Note the top 2 horses in the betting
- Analyse their running style, in their previous race
- Select horses that have raced prominently and finished 1st or 2nd in the last race
Staking Plan
- Back the qualifying horse to win on Betfair or any betting exchange (Sign up to Betfair here if you do not have an account)
- Lay the horse to lose at lower price on Betfair, to lock in a small profit.
- Use Spreadsheet to calculate the stake and odds of the lay bet
3 live examples of the Back To Lay Method Horse Racing System
Step 1
Open up racecards and look for any of today’s races that is one mile or more in distance.
In this example, we find that race 3 at Carlisle meets our criteria. We then see that every horse has posted 3 LTO figures which means they have all ran at least 3 times. This is important as we want to use horses that are mainly exposed and have historical data that we can use.
Step 2
Go to and view the current market prices to identify the top 2 in the betting. We can see from below that the top two are:
- Run Fat Lass Run
- Tectonic
Step 3
Go back to the inform racing racecards to see what running style these two horses have. We are looking to see if they have a run style of 1 or 2 which means they like to lead from the front, or at least race prominently.
We see here that on Run Fat Lass Run qualifies at the first stage
We then must hover over Run Fat Lass Run’s LTO speed figure, to see how the horse performed in its last race. To qualify for the second stage, the horse must have come either first or second in it’s last run and must have done so using a run style of either 1 or 2.
Run Fat Lass Run qualifies as it came second last time out using a run style of 2. This is good news, as it means we have a system bet!
Step 4
Now we can determine what bet to make.
Open the spreadsheet. To do this, use the link below the video player on this page.
Back the horse on Betfair to win and enter the price you took, in the spreadsheet.
Enter in the stake amount you backed the horse with (Remember to only bet with money that you can afford to lose).
Enter in the Profit Margin (ROI) percentage you are aiming for (we suggest 5%).
In our example, we now look at Betfair and see the current price at 5.3.
However, Betfair odds can change at any second. In this example, the price had shortened to 5.16 by the time that our bet was placed.
We placed a back bet of €10 at odds of 5.16 and am looking for a 5% Profit Margin (ROI). We enter these figures into the blue highlighted cells in the back to lay stake calculator spreadsheet and hit return.
This populates the pink cells with the lay amount stake you need place and the lay amount odds you must place the bet at.
In this example we place a lay bet for stake amount of €10.50 at odds of 4.90 as circled in red below. If the horse wins we make €0.63 and if it loses we make €0.50. So we guarantee a profit if the horse wins or loses.
NOTE VERY IMPORTANT : Once we place our lay bet on Betfair, the betslip will naturally return “unmatched” as we are placing a lay bet that is below the current lay price of our selection.
At this stage you must select the “Keep” At In-Play option and press update. See the option circled in red below.
That is all there is to placing your lay bet and our job here is done.
We just wait for the race to be run and we check back later to see our profit all things going well!
As you can see below, Betfair has a niftly little “what if” option. It shows your profits if your bet turns out the way you expect. It is the green figure after the “>>”.
So if Run Fat Lass Run wins, we get back €0.62 and if it loses, we make €0.48. The profit is slightly less than our calculator as it doesn’t take into account the 5% Betfair commission.
To enable the “what if” option on your Betfair account go to settings as followings and click the “what if” option.
The logic behind this simple horse racing system is…
The horse performed very well in its last race, running from the front.
Therefore, the trainer is highly likely to utilise this style again in the horse’s next race. We see that it has market support so is a strong contender to win the race.
As it likes to race near the front, in-play bettors will start to back horses who are at (or close to) the head of the field.
Therefore, Run Fat Lass Run’s in-play odds will drop and we will get our lay bet matched. Our profit is then locked-in, regardless of what position the horse finishes the race in.
Whenever possible, we try to get our win-bet on as early as we can. This gives us more chance of hopping on the favourite-backers’ bandwagon and getting our lay-bet matched even before the race starts.
At Carlise today there were 2 more selections.
3:50 More Mischief
5:00 Sands Chorus
Back To Lay Method Video Tutorial
For those who want to see how to pick the selections in real time, check out this quick video we made here…
You won’t get rich quick with this system, but you will steadily build your bankroll by consistently locking-in small profits. It is relatively low risk and there is no better feeling than making a guaranteed profit, before the race has been completed!
Expect 1 t0 5 bets a day during the summer and less during the winter, when the only all-weather tracks hold flat races.
If you want to take advantage of what is amongst the most simple and effective horse racing systems that can be used on UK racing, then click on the link here to Inform Racing where you can use their unique race cards to find the selections in less than 5 minutes per day.
Sign Up To Inform Racing Today
If you would like to see a full analysis of Inform Racing speed figures and their exclusive race cards, please check out our full review here (includes detailed video review of all features)
If you would like to use the spreadsheet as mentioned above to determine your lay bet stake and lay bet odds, please share this post using the buttons below to unlock the spreadsheet.
[sociallocker id=”10779″] Download Back To Lay Method Stake Calculator Spreadsheet Here [/sociallocker]
Remember also that you will need a Betfair account to us this back to lay method, so if you do not have an account, sign up to Betfair here.
UPDATE – Results of the live examples
Run Fat Lass Run
More Mischief
Sand Chorus
Back To Lay Method Results – Betfair Account
We got all three lay bets matched and made €2.02 profit on Betfair after commission. As we had two winners from the three, we actually made 6.7% ROI which is not too shabby at all. Once you get more comfortable with the system, you can look to make larger profit margins per bet.
We hope you enjoyed this live demonstration.